
Sunday, July 21, 2024

 I was right to think that Biden should step down right after that first debate. People like Tom Barclay were wrong. Tom didn't use his common sense. But now me and Tom will join together in supporting this new nominee, or a nominee that comes out of the convention that can talk and make arguments and read a teleprompter convincingly. My demands are not strong.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I still don't think Trump is sympathetic.


Did American nonviolent actions save 200000 Palestinian lives or did we just watch them die? Would the Palestinian cause be furthered more by nonviolent protest or a thousand Yemeni drone strikes? Asking for a friend.

     When I first saw this I thought it was a little harsh. But with the projected current death toll nearing 200000 Palestinians, almost all civilians that are being targeted, this seems to be accurate. And no they didn't all have it coming. OTOH is nonviolence working here? Would it have freed the slaves? Would it have defeated the Nazis and liberated the concentration camps? It would seem infrastructure attacks and Mr Robot style hacking attacks would be warranted, at the very least. I would like to think that you wouldn't have to kill anybody. My dark side is telling me that only a 20000 member merc force entering through the tunnels of Gaza or Palestinians using the Bird Flu as a weapon would get the civilian slaughter of Palestinians to stop. I don't think peaceful protest is going to cut it, said my very disreputable dark side, selling fentanyl and crack to teens and whistling while he works... 

Pascal Campion





Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sympathy Vote.


Thoughts and Prayers for the Trump Family

 I usually don't post right wing memes because I don't like fighting on the enemy's terrain but I do allow them to be posted in the comments, as some of you may have noticed. I do think this is funny, however. And that kid, he gave 15 bucks to Act Blue (like I have) so he probably thought he was doing the right thing, but by missing you give this orange sleaze a Teddy Roosevelt moment.* That has the opposite effect of Martin Sheen holding a baby to block the shots in Dead Zone. Not to mention that he's Biden's best and only chance at winning. The first party that switches out their nominee wins going away. Anyway, I offer my sincere Thoughts and Prayers to the Trump family, said just the way Homelander says it. "Thoughts and Prayers, people...Thoughts and Prayers." (Watch Trump will probably come out strong for the NRA as soon as possible.)

I do feel genuinely sorry for the people who were injured and murdered. OTOH, they're kinda like Todd in the Boys.** Why were you foolish enough to follow that guy around?*** You didn't think liberals would shoot back in a country full of guns? But usually karma gets them when they lose their Medicaid or Medicare goes full private. Or that masking might be a good idea after you've died from Covid. Usually the karma isn't so blunt. Hey, who thought there shouldn't be any gun restrictions and served as a toady for the NRA? The Make America Great Again guy.

I would have killed to have this when I was a working reporter. Just to see one Pro Life Pittsburgh Courier Rod Doss headline edited and rewritten...


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

It's not just Biden's health. He has awful policies. The Supreme Ct has decided to take power. Only one way to stop them is through expansion. God help us if a state keeps counting ballots in 2024. It may already be too late. Who can look at the Supreme Court's wreckage of norms this week and come to this conclusion? Arrrggghhhh! as they say...





Bombing Kids is not Self Defense