
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Posts from March 23 thru April 3

April 3

From Mark Rauterkaus:

PITTSBURGH FILMMAKERS - Melwood Screening Room
Thursday, April 3, 2008 - 6:30 pm
Includes Q&A with filmmaker David Earnhardt,
special guest Marybeth Kuznik, and others,
and a bite or two to eat, too.

Hosted by: VoteAllegheny and Pittsburgh Filmmakers, benefiting VotePA, a 501(c)(4) organization

UNCOUNTED is an explosive documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial film examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S.

UNCOUNTED is a wakeup call to all Americans. As we approach the decisive election of 2008, UNCOUNTED will change how you feel about the way votes are counted in America.

Please forward this invitation to others who may be interested in seeing UNCOUNTED.

For more information about the film, visit:

Suggested donation $10, seniors/students $7.

Related: Bob Fitrakis, quoted in the movie trailer above, can be seen here in a 60 minute talk broken up into about 10 segments. It's pretty riveting and can be seen in bits at the Acid Jazz Channel above.

March 30th

A Very Special Internet Addiction is a myth and I can quit the Internets whenever I want to Around the Internets

A factually true billboard that was taken down fairly quickly. Related: This series of Sam Harris thought pieces for Big Think. Most can be seen on the Acid Jazz Channel above. Will probably never be seen on the corporate media.

More Related: Why Richard Dawkins, for no good reason other than rational observation of how religion actually works, is a mean ol atheist. And: same difference. Even more related: Margaret Atwood (author of handmaid's tale) on the dangers of theocracy.

On the mark Tom Tomorrow toon on the very specious reasons behind Hillary's Continued Run. Even features Hillary's "talk" with Lex Luthor, publisher of the Daily Planet, (This is actually the truth behind the corporate media. Reporters as scared children who have no real control over what they write.) Richard Mellon Scaife, arguably one of the most evil men in the United States. (Hometown pride (!) by the way...)

By the way, if you're looking for reasons to like Barack keep in mind that it looks like not only does the Israel lobby not like him (not for anything Obama has done because he's sucked up to AIPAC with the best of them--

--(Real politic confession: if I was advising Obama, even as a critic of AIPAC, I'd tell him to suck up to AIPAC. Of course, that's the dream behind Obama. Unlike most black men who have woken up each morning angered and frustrated by the world around them Obama could actually wake and change some things. I truly hope he gets that opportunity.)--

--but because his middle name is Hussein and he actually knows Moslems. He might be more sympathetic to the Palestinians than the sellout Clintons who gave us NAFTA for christsakes...) but it looks like Jewish likudnik donors are keeping Hillary in the race. I would like to think this wouldn't have to be pointed out: if Obama wins the most elected delegates, in a system that really isn't set up for blacks or progressives to win (Are there any whiter states than Iowa or New Hampshire? The Dakotas maybe, Utah?) he should get the nomination. If he doesn't, then it would probably split the party and give American blacks a great reason to ditch the dems. On the other hand, this would provide Obama a wonderful opportunity to quit the party and run as a third party. He has the money.

One more point about that cartoon: I'm not that worried about "meteors". I'm worried about bullets and Mossad. Oh, the press would cover it, right. Just like they "covered" the RFK assassination and election fraud stories of 2000 and 2004.... Are you kidding me.? Also very much worried about Obama's plane going down...that seems to happen to a lot of political people here and abroad.

Question for Maria at 2 Political Junkies and my fake virtual girlfriend Agent Ska: Why do you keep supporting Hillary when she has no chance of winning other than by superdelegate coup? Is it white girl privilege? What?

Phil's Deep Thought, Not At All Related to Atrios Deep Thoughts, which is Not At All Related to SNL's Deep Thoughts

(coming soon)

Okay. Last Wednesday's South Park was one of their better episodes. It made fun of the drug war, the recent Spitzer scandal and seemed to imply that if you get really really high (mmkay) you will be transported to the cinematic world of Heavy Metal, a magazine I particularly liked in the late 70s especially as I was hitting puberty although the art was fantastic as well. You can see a clip from that movie here in case you were wondering where they got the "rockin' tits" reference. You can also watch this week's episode online at the official South Park site. Funny stuff. (Moebius was one of the original fantastic artists behind Heavy Metal.) Related: Current Heavy Metal story that's online.

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