
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Toon from Bill Boichel and Initial Reaction to the Film Kinsey

Feb. 9

Revenge of Around the Internets

Item: Bill Boichel, a man who should be forced by some merciless Kafkaesque regime (or the United States) to blog, sent me this cool toon:

Item: Here's some animation that features the late Seth Fisher's work in Will World. Here's Seth's personal web page by the way..

Item: Evil Telcos Want To End Internets As We Know Them. Or turn Internets into that high quality commodity known as "Cable". This would screw Google, but Google can fight back, and it should, by becoming a telco themselves, or so I prays to the all powerful flying spaghetti monster (the one true God or else) in my mind...

Item: Comparison between South Africa and Israel... Related: The difference between anti-semitism and anti-zionism.

Item: I will be permalinking the science activist.

Item: I can't stop thinking about Million Dollar Baby....probably because HBO keeps rerunning it every hour or so. Here's one guy's depressing assessment of the gal's fight game. I actually disagree with him. I've seen some very skilled female fighters. They used to show female fighters every week on some off off cable channel I used to get. No more. Actually, I think women should skip boxing and go right toward mixed martial arts...which, in theory, would allow them to compete with men...

(Also was very impressed with the film Kinsey, a man who didn't just run the company but was a client.... More on that later when I have time....)

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