
Thursday, February 06, 2025

So, if this holds, criminal penalties for attempting to diversify your workforce. But only civil penalties if you fire someone for being black or a woman.

What's funny about this, as observed by someone who has filed 8 discrimination lawsuits (I'm 7 and 1 and I shouldn't have lost the one and wouldn't have without my Republican judge David Stewart Cercone and an all Republican appeals court pretty much working for the other side (I wasn't even allowed discovery.)...) is that the penalties under the Civil Rights Act are only civil. The worst that Elon Musk can do after he's lost his discrimination case at Tesla -- one of the worst cases I've ever seen and I state pretty clearly that none of my cases were that strong -- is pay a fine. Not unlike you and me leaving a penny on the ground. If this were to hold, you could fire somebody for being black and pay a civil penalty, if that. But if you try to widen your employment pool and hire people of color or white women (the true winners of affirmative action) you'll face criminal penalties. How about disability ramps? What an insane administration.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025


Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Yet another acid jazz channel.

Yet another version of the Acid Jazz Channel