
Sunday, August 21, 2016

If you're asking what I did politically this summer: I registered over 500 voters. 90 percent black and Democratic. (Party)

I would have registered 500 more if I had continued with Fieldworks under an excellent black manager like Joel Williams (much missed) who unfortunately was replaced by the horrible white manager Zachary Reider, who while he was a Sanders supporter ran the Pittsburgh voter registration effort pretty much like Donald Trump. The worst of all managerial worlds. Insecure, incompetent and kinda dumb. What do you call a guy who fires me for being "disruptive", in front of two dozen witnesses, but not before letting me go out and work a full day? So disruptive I can go out and get 16 registrations? Can't wait for Zachary Reider to explain that in what I hope will be a painful deposition, for him. Zachary Reider: just the fucking worst. And I hold Chris Gallaway and Fieldworks a very legally binding way as they're about to find out.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

#MrRobot I approve of the funky Operation theme music and Kali Linux makes an appearance. Hacker OS of choice...

#MrRobot Janet Yellin is still serving but John Boehner is no longer house speaker....

#MrRobot Even Veronica Mars carried a stun gun...

#MrRobot Seriously, in order to avoid these near death road trips Elliot should consider carrying a gun....

#MrRobot I have to admit that when thinking about plotlines Alf didn't come up...

#MrRobot That is the worst 70s or 80s show ever..

Zachary Reider is one of the worst canvass directors, ever.

I can honestly state that, in my 34 years working on and off as a canvasser -- and spending three years running a money canvass against NAFTA and high cable bills -- that Zachary Reider is the worst canvass director I have ever worked for. He's not fit to run a lemonade stand by himself let alone a political canvass. And that includes the one for PennPIC who was fired for embezzling.  This reflects poorly on Chris Gallaway and the entire team of Fieldworks.

More on this topic later.