The DNC has released two newer and tougher ads that talk about Republican Joe Barton's incredible apology to British Petroleum and their general inclination to side with the rich and powerful against the rest of us.
That Joe Barton apology is still amazing. If you were one of those slow people that couldn't figure out that the GOP was the complete sock puppet for business interests, then Joe should have cleared this up to you. Unfortunately, this doesn't actually mean that the Democratic Party is the party of the public. Usually, the Democratic Party is just a more subtle form of business party that screws you in the details but is smart enough not to publicly shill for corporate environmental criminals like BP...Big Sigh.
So, your choice this November will be between the kick to the groin (complete corporate shill republicans) or the poke in the eye (the more worried about deficits than jobs democrats). If only there was another party to choose from...
Still, both of these ads should be very very effective. But a 100 billion dollar jobs bill would be more effective but don't listen to me I'm not a rich lobbyist....This is called "How Republicans would govern..":
And here's yesterdays newest ad tying together the Republican proclivity of favoring the private shark over the public lamb. Its called "On Their Side."