
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

You Can Fight for the Public Option Three Ways Today in Pittsburgh

Public Option Action: Health Insurance Now Noon Bus Ride with US Rep. Mike Doyle

This can also be found at 2 Political Junkies. MoveOn informed me as well.

Flagstaff Hill Becomes Health Care Reform Hill

There's both a rally and a vigil tomorrow for health care reform tomorrow.

"Health Insurance Reform Now" Bus Tour Stop
Where: Schenley Park (Flagstaff Hill), 4532 Schenley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, Doors Open: 11:00 AM, Start Time: 12:00 PM

Speakers include Congressman Mike Doyle and Organizing for America Deputy Director Jeremy Bird -- and OfA will present thousands of Pennsylvanians' declarations of support for reform

You can sign up here:

I hope Obama understands that anything without the public option but with employee mandate--where you have to buy it or pay expensive fines, even jail time--is not reform that I want.

Public Option Action 2: We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil at 7:30 PM Today

If the noon event isn't enough, then there's also a vigil planned tonight at Flagstaff Hill, Schenley Park.

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil
Where: Schenley Park (Flagstaff Hill), 1 Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:30 PM

"We're organizing vigils across the country for everyone who is suffering under our broken health care system. We'll send our members of Congress back to Washington, D.C. with a somber reminder of what's at stake by reading the names and telling the stories of thousands of people who have been denied...(more) needed treatments, faced bankruptcy because of a sudden illness, and even died because they lacked coverage." RSVP here.

I hope these events are well attended.

Public Option Action 3: Yet Another Health Care Vigil Held Outside of Jason Altmire's Office

This is being held at 7:30 as well so you'll have to choose. By the way, I usually support, and support wholeheartedly, actions like this one. But I'm not sure how effective lobbying is on Jason Altmire, who made his living as an insurance lobbyist. I think he's a sincere no vote on any kind of insurance reform that would actually help the public. On the other hand, its nice to catalog these issues so that we know where we stand come the next election cycle. Anyone who doesn't support the public option deserves a primary run.

We Can't Afford to Wait Vigil (@ Atmire's Office)
Where: Outside of Rep. Altmire's Office, 2124 Freeport Rd, Natrona Heights, PA 15065
When: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7:30 PM

"We will read the names and tell the stories of thousands of people who have been denied needed treatments, faced bankruptcy because of a sudden illness, and even died because they lacked coverage. Bring your own stories too - let's remember that the REAL death panels are corporate insurance panels!" RSVP here.