(I actually wrote most of this over at my gig as the Progressive Examiner.)
It looks like the US Rep. Joe Sestak might be making a run against new democratic Senator Arlen Specter. Good for Joe if that's the case. That appears to be the news coming from TPM. From the link:
Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) is privately telling supporters that he intends to run for Senate, TPMDC has confirmed.
"He intends to get in the race," says Meg Infantino, the Congressman's sister, who works at Sestak for Congress. "In the not too distant future, he will sit down with his wife and daughter to make the final decision."
The move would constitute a primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA), who intends to run for re-election in 2010, after having switched parties earlier this year.
Earlier today, a Sestak volunteer and contributor received a handwritten note from Sestak himself, announcing his intent to run and asking for a contribution. The source provided TPMDC a scan of the letter:
If this is true then this is excellent news. Sestak is a little too conservative for my tastes but at least he's been a loyal democrat and its also clear that labor supports him. I don't trust Arlen and I'm not thrilled with the hardball that's coming from Party Leaders asking me to accept Arlen as a loyal democrat when, of course, Arlen is on record as stating that he never promised to be "a loyal democrat." The truth of the matter is that you could throw any two dozen statewide leaders into a room, aim a rock, and you would come up with a Democrat that would better represent both the party and the state better than Arlen Specter.
Related: This is from a Daily Kos post. Here are the issues that Sestak is for and you won't have to wonder if he'll be for them after election day:
Here is a summary of his responses: http://firedoglake.com/...
Does not agree that we have enhanced our security or intelligence thru torture. Believes it has placed service members at greater danger from countries that do torture.
Supports the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell". Would like to take the lead along with Murphy (D-PA) and Murtha (D-PA)
Supports Sec. Gates' recent proposal to transform the military to where it is not numbers but capability which measures the military.
Supports a health plan similar to one in Mass. which he says is similar to Obama's. Supports Medicare, Medicaid and public plan standards.
Supports stem cell research. Says "It's great having President Obama here."
Completely aware of same things we are: budget reconciliation requires only 51 votes to pass, and healthcare reform package has been virtually guaranteed the same fate...not sure why there was a Specter deal.
Supports labor/EFCA (co-sponsor)
Supports public healh care
opinion[option]Supports Obama's budget resolution (voted for it)
Supports cramdowns (voted for it)
Supports Cap and Trade (co-sponsor of Waxman's bill and Markey's bill)
Voted on bailout bill even though he received over 3500 e-mails and letters from constituents telling him not to. Said he read research
which said the bill was absolutely critical and voted with his brain and not his ideology.Supports regulation in the Federal Reserve, and other institutions. Says we need proper reserves, transparency and reporting of trades. Comments ms. Brofsky of the CFTC who in 1998 tried to implement such.
Supports a commission to find out what really amount of torture occured. Supports using the justice system to punish those responsible for designing the policies.
Will turn down a bid for Senate IF and ONLY "If Arlen Specter truly embraces the principles and policies necessary for good governance and the economic, health, energy/environment, education, and defense securities needed by Pennsylvanians and by our nation...and we believe he will stick to them for the full 6 years"
Supports re-institution of the Assault Weapons ban, child locks, ATF Surprise inspections, etc.
by Tokar on Mon May 04, 2009 at 09:25:20 AM PDT
The trouble though is labor. Even if Specter votes for EFCA--and right now he's against it--they should support Sestak or another Democratic Party nominee. As someone who's lived in Pennsylvania most of his life I don't trust the state's labor organizations to make the right call on this one. And I don't see how Sestak wins without unanimous labor support. He would need the support of both labor factions to make a decent run.