
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jesus and Mo takes on the founder of the Mormon Church

Item: Yet another Jesus and Mo' toon about the founder of the Mormons or the Church of Latter Day Saints. Related: Comedian David Cross refers to Mormonism as the Scientology of its day. One of the reasons why Mitt Romney lost the GOP nomination for president is that the Republican base just couldn't buy his religion. And while I very seldom agree with the GOP's retrograde base about anything I see their point here. Mormonism would seem to suggest a radically different conception of Christianity and the fact that the founder of the religion was a thrice convicted fraudster tells you that this was made up. Mormonism is kind of a hustle, just like all religion. More Related: Mitt Romney's failed presidential run is why you're seeing these PR "I'm a Mormon" ads. Related to More Related: There is an "I'm an Ex Mormon campaign" at Youtube as well.

Earlier Jesus and Mo strip that I wrote about:

ITEM: The last three Jesus and Mo's have been about the founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith, a thrice convicted fraudster who found the con that would stick: Religion. Related: I posted this on prominent atheist Sam Harris' Facebook page because we're tight. He's researching using increased funding for education so that people could, presumably, rely on will power and reason to solve their problems instead of prayer. I wrote about possible detours and problems with that approach.

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