
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

#MrRobot Altruistic hack or just a front meme for a corporate coup? @whoismrrobot

#MrRobot His discs are kind of like Dexter's blood spatter slides. He doesn't put it in Kim Dotcom's cloud or hide it in photos or Youtube vids? @whoismrrobot

#MrRobot I think this is the only show I've seen that's tackling college debt and talking about erasing it. Good luck. @whoismrrobot

#MrRobot That's a killer plotline: destroy all the debt by wiping out the records. But they would have multiple backups right? @whoismrrobot

#MrRobot This Christian Slater character reminds me of a grown up version of his great #PumpUpTheVolume role..@whoismrrobot

It's sort of like Hackman's "The Conversation" character showing up in "Enemy of the State"...

#MrRobot Ahhh some CSI Cyber action but on a much better show...@whoismrrobot

#MrRobot This show feels like the Matrix before the red pill blue pill stuff begins...@whoismrrobot

#MrRobot E corps insignia looks a little bit like a combo of Dell, Apple and Microsoft..

#MrRobot So 1234567 is a good password for Facebook...? Done!

@whoismrrobot One problem: would a real crypto libertarian hacker find child porn users real criminals? He's probably right and he never hurt anybody. #MrRobot

@whoismrrobot Just an outstanding show. It's really about a hacker who's a crime fighter. But more effective than Anonymous.