
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Odds and Ends (3-31)

A Tired Yet Satisfied Weekend Around the Internets

One of the reasons I'm so worried about net neutrality is that the Internet is one of the few channels I like that hasn't been cancelled yet. For example, I used to really enjoy watching Bet on jazz. Yet, a few weeks ago they turned it into VH1 soul. Now, they're determined to play anything but jazz in prime time. So, jazz is now relegated to an early morning/late night ghetto in its own station. I've been making my complaints felt on the message boards.

Links n' at:
I've added Digg and Progressive Pa Politics to the permalinks. I'm also going to revamp the Pittsburgh permalinks when I have time. Some of those guys just don't blog enough and I'm not exactly demanding on that score as you can see. Also, check out the revamped and refurbished Better Humans and Techdirt, probably the best tech analysis site out there and they're also covering the voter machine fraud story..
Breakin' News: PG Beats Me on an important voter fraud story. Am looking into this now...
March 29

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