
Friday, July 21, 2006

June 5 through June 8 Posts

June 8

New one from Warren Ellis which reflects our times.

June 6

From Tom Moody's underrated weblog. Still hoping he'll do a music video for that so so band Curved Air. I sense an Andy Warhol of gif animation potential... Tom could be the Andy Warhol of gif animation videos.

Rob Newman's History of Oil (tip of the hat to American Samizdat)

June 5

I am permalinking Mark Crispin Miller.

Best counter to the Rolling Stone piece: from known stolen election debunker "Man Joo of the Faaar East!"

However, he is quickly counter destroyed, eviscerated, digested and excreted by Mark Crispin Miller and Bob Fitrakis.

Look: the reason why I believe the stolen election theory is that the writers are badasses. These guys aren't lightweights. They don't tie their shoes without exhaustive airtight sourcing. You give me Greg Palast, Bob Fitrakis and Mark Crispin Miller and I'll give you the best newspaper in the United States. None of these guys work for the American corporate media which tells you everything that is wrong with the American corporate media.

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