
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Around the Internets (April 11)

Thoughts about the debate: I thought that the senate debate was kind of a wash. Like the 2 Political Junkies people, I thought Casey was deadly deadly dull. Our losing Pittsburgh mayoral candidates had more gravitas. I thought Sandals tended to talk funny and out of only one side of his mouth. And I don't mean that metaphorically, he physically talked out of one side of his mouth (Should've taken those image grooming classes like Casey in order to appear confident and relaxed when you're explaining positions that are completely out of sync with the Democratic base...).

I sort of thought Chuck won the debate although he did talk like a professor at times which never wins you any points politically. (See career of Adlai Stevenson). He also had the most vocal supporters. Passion, apparently, is something that the machine can't buy..
I did think Sandals had the best moment of the debate when he looked Casey in the eye and made it clear that criminalizing women (and onward toward the elimination of contraception including condoms and summary execution of people who put nekkid girls on websites (reminds me: new updates at the Red Light District)) is kinda of a big deal. The Christian Right never stops. How can you be wrong when you talk to God? After South Dakota, this issue is more important than ever.

I also think Sandals is right that an anti-choice candidate won't win in November. What kind of party picks a candidate that appeals to the Republican base, in a state where pro choicers like Rendell and Specter win? Just unfathomable. Of course, Alan, it would be nice if there wasn't another choice candidate to split the vote. Great timing. Did Schumer give you a call?
For the next debate, I really think Chuck has to contrast himself with Bob Casey every chance he gets. Ignore Alan. It would be nice if the next debate allowed follow up questions by the candidates...

Everything you always wanted to know about that recent AIPAC paper, pros and cons.
New Dean Baker blog. He gives you the rundown on what those French protesters were fighting for. One more thing: those French kids won. And that's what they did over a procedural matter. Imagine what they would do if someone stole their elections. That's why Europeans get better lives than we do. And as Baker points out, the French are more productive as well. They're probably well rested after their mandatory six week vacations.

Your song picks at YouTube: Try two from Jamiroquai here and here.

Republicans kill net neutrality (Good news: other wealthy hitters have taken the other side. Its not like we can depend on the public good winning out or anything.) Related issue talked over at Worldchanging.

Older disturbing story about Indicted poll workers in Cleveland. Apparently, the fix was in. Credits bloggers with keeping the story afloat. Thanks fellas. If you're keeping score at home, then that's two fixed national elections. Open letter to organizers of French protests: Please visit the United States...Of course, here your protests would probably be met with lethal force and martial law. We're a Christian nation don't you know...

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